Want to know more about me?
My name is Nico Berres, I am a 23 year old hobby-photographer based in the beautiful capital of Rhineland-Palatine, Mainz, which is considered Germany’s wine stronghold. After school, I studied international management for business and information technology in Mannheim and now work as an IT Consultant full-time. A lot of my spare-time however I dedicate to taking pictures. I discovered my passion for photography early on in the beginning of my teenage years, when I edited crazy compositions of myself in Photoshop, that were taken with a cheap digi-cam, probably only to make myself look cool -  you know, what 13 year olds do. After I saved enough money, I bought my first DSLR in 2011. From there on, I tried out many different things and constantly improved my skills. During highschool, I was certainly busy with other things in life and somehow lost interest in this hobby. All the more I was thrilled when I rediscovered my passion for photography during my gap year in New Zealand in 2016 - and it stayed with me since then. This is also where one of my main characteristics comes from: I draw most of my inspiration from nature. Thus I just like to be outdoors and mainly use natural light in my pictures. Fast forward to 2020, I heavily invested in my equipment and experimented with different styles of photography. I now specialize mainly in natural light portrait photography in beautiful outdoor settings - but of course this does not mean that this is all I do. For example, I also like to play with the colorful lights of the city night or have already done weddings.
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